Members Benefits


Intro here


UKIFDA holds a number of seminars throughout the year, including the very popular Safety Forum.

The UKIFDA Training Academy

The UKIFDA Academy provides remote training courses using a user-friendly software platform in addition to on-site training sessions. Members can manage, track and book training courses through this platform, receiving notifications about renewal dates and certificate statuses.

For more information about our Driver and Training Services, please click here. You can also email or call 07535 589717.

Depot and Transport Services

At UKIFDA, we offer a range of essential services designed to enhance the efficiency and safety of depot and transport operations. Our Depot Certification programme involves a thorough one-day survey of your facilities, resulting in a detailed report outlining key improvement actions.

Our Dangerous Goods Safety Adviser (DGSA) service includes an annual audit and guidance on legislation to help you navigate the complexities of running a transport business.

For more information about our Depot and Transport Services, please click here. You can also email or call 07535 589717.

Technical Advice

Our experienced technical team is available to provide training and advice to members on various technical matters.

Legislation, Data, and Insight

We regularly update members on new legislation affecting the industry and provide industry data and insights through our communication emails.

Contact Us

For more information about our Members’ Services, please contact or call 07860 773952.

If you would like to join us, please click here or fill in the form below.

Please see the other members' benefits shown here.


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Business Support

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UKIFDA member

Full members of UKIFDA are those companies who distribute fuels to end users in the UK & Ireland . All operate rigid tankers and sometimes also articulated tankers to take fuel to users including domestic properties and commercial, agricultural, marine and construction companies.

Associate members are typically companies who provide goods and services to the liquid fuels distribution sector and can be based anywhere in the world .

As the industry body, our purpose is to offer all the support liquid fuel distributors and associate members need to run their businesses safely, sustainably and successfully. We will act as a co-ordinated voice of business when talking to Government and/or stakeholders and quickly disseminate messages about Government policy to our members.

All membership offers a wide range of benefits.

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