UKIFDA EXPO 2024: Secure your exhibition space

10th January 2024

Secure your space at EXPO 2024 and boost your sector presence

EXPO 2024 is almost sold out!

85% of the exhibitor spaces have already been sold, says the exhibition and conference organiser, UKIFDA. If businesses are looking to boost their exposure to the liquid fuel distribution sector this year, the advice is that now’s the time to book your space. This industry-leading event is taking place on the 10 and 11 April 2024 at the Liverpool Exhibition Centre.

Four Forums – One Powerful Event

The EXPO 2024 exhibition, sponsored by Phillips 66, brings together the entire supply chain from across the globe to showcase and work together to understand the advancements in fuel distribution.

Combining the Exhibition, the Future Opportunities Conference as well as the popular Awards Dinner and Drinks Reception, sponsored by Mabanaft and FoxInsights respectively, EXPO 2024 promises industry innovation, leading speakers, and plenty of networking. All supported by the Event app that allows delegates to stay up to date throughout the two-day event.

With around 100 exhibitors in one space, there’s an opportunity for live demonstrations, product launch promotion and, of course, those all-important face-to-face discussions.

Urging businesses to secure their stands fast, UKIFDA Membership and Events Manager Dawn Shakespeare said: “Since the return to work after Christmas, we’ve had a flurry of bookings and don’t want people to miss out. For those considering booking a stand, please do give us a call and we’ll help you find the best available spot. There are different shell sizes to suit varying budgets. If you’ve never exhibited at EXPO before, we’re here to help!”

To book your exhibition space at EXPO 2024, please email UKIFDA Membership and Events Manager Dawn Shakespeare:

UKIFDA Welcomes Phil Murray As New President

10th January 2024

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