Future Ready Fuels: HVO demonstration project published

26th January 2024

UKIFDA is pleased to announce that the Future Ready Fuel campaign has published an update on its demonstration project.

Trade associations OFTEC and UKIFDA have called on the government to back a wider rollout of HVO, arguing the demonstration project and subsequent report show that HVO is a cost effective, pragmatic and realistic solution for decarbonising off-grid homes and businesses which would otherwise struggle to switch to a heat pump.

News Future Ready Fuels Report Jan 2024

The findings from a three year project which saw over a hundred oil heated properties convert to Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO) have been published, as the liquid fuel heating industry calls for a wider rollout to deliver affordable decarbonisation for off-grid homes.

Click here to read the full story and find out more about the project and report

UKIFDA Welcomes Phil Murray As New President

26th January 2024

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