Driver of the Year Award

Nominate your stand-out delivery driver

Nominate an outstanding delivery driver for the OAMPS sponsored Driver of the Year Award, which recognises those who excel in delivery standards, demonstrate quick thinking and exceed expectations at either a national or regional level. This award also honours drivers who serve as ambassadors for their company and mentor their peers.


1. Check if your nominee meets the CRITERIA.

2. Complete the details in SECTION 1.

3. Complete SECTION 2.

4. Please email the entry and any supporting evidence to before the closing date of 15th March 2025.


The entry must be completed by the employee’s manager/proposer.

Your nominee must:

  • Be employed by a UKIFDA member company.
  • Hold a clean valid driving licence.
  • Be incident and conviction free for at least two years.

Driver of the Year Award

Section 1

Proposer Details
Proposer Name(Required)
Nominee Details
Nominee Name(Required)

Section 2

Please use the space provided below or a separate document to describe why your nomination deserves this award in no more than 750 words.

Your nominee may, for example:

  • Consistently maintains & demonstrates industry best practice.
  • Help raise awareness of tank safety.
  • Conduct deliveries safely and professionally.
  • Displays exceptional customer service, performance and quick thinking, going above and beyond.
  • Is an ambassador for the company or industry.

The UKIFDA assessment team review all applications received and its decision is final.

Nominee Name(Required)
Please add your supporting evidence here, or if you prefer, you can upload a word document below.
Accepted file types: doc, docx, Max. file size: 75 MB.