FPS Submits Views On Government’s Clean Growth: Transforming Heating Report

4th March 2019

The Federation of Petroleum Suppliers (FPS) has submitted its views on the Government’s Clean Growth: Transforming Heating report, a framework for achieving long-term decarbonisation of heating in homes across the UK.

The consultation was launched in December last year and ran until 22 February 2019, with the Government seeking feedback on the key findings of the report, including areas that require further development, whether there had been any omissions, and ways to enhance implementation.

Overall, the FPS is pleased with the report as it focuses on a mixed solution rather than one based purely on electrification and takes a more common sense, longer-term approach to achieving low carbon heating whilst fully supporting the Government’s position on low carbon heating. However, the FPS feels strongly that it is wrong that there is no mention of bio fuels – as this is an option it feels can and should play a large role in achieving the Government’s carbon reduction target by 2050.

Guy Pulham, FPS Chief Executive, comments: “We welcome the Government’s latest consultation on heat decarbonisation, as the FPS is similarly committed to finding ways to cut the carbon footprint of heating in this country

“A low carbon solution to heating must be found if the Government is to meet its 2050 carbon reduction target. However, we believe this solution needs to be based on several fuel types and technologies in order to provide the best option for all households in terms of cost and energy efficiency, including the 1.5million homes off-grid and using oil for heating.

“From the report, it is clear that the Government is mainly focusing on electrification – and we feel strongly that this needs to be altered to include alternative low-emission energy sources.

“A mix of technologies is needed to meet the needs of the different buildings in this country as there is not one solution that will suit the infrastructure of all homes nor indeed the pockets of the householder, and we urge the introduction of a renewable, low carbon liquid fuel/bio fuel for off-grid houses. This is for several reasons that include lower costs and greater energy efficiency for these consumers as a result, as the current heating system will work well with this fuel type and there already exists a good supply and distributor network through our FPS members.

“Greater consideration needs to be given to infrastructure costs for households, as bio fuels would provide a low-cost option for those living off-grid.”

The FPS is keen to encourage a tiered approach to meeting the Government’s 2050 target for carbon cutback and emphasises the need for more than one solution to low carbon energy.

“It’s vital we can find ways to cut our carbon emissions whilst enabling off-grid households to join the energy transition,” adds Guy Pulham.

“While we can’t estimate the cost of low carbon liquid fuels/bio fuels, we are confident that this option will be highly competitive with the alternatives, given the compatibility with existing off-grid heating systems.

“We urge the Government to include the development of low carbon liquid fuels within – and to make it part of – its planned pathway to meeting long-term heat decarbonisation and hope to have the opportunity to work closely with Government on this key initiative.”

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4th March 2019

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