Future Ready Fuel Campaign Reaches 150 Home Milestone
Our next step is to make HVO a key policy commitment - time to ramp up the future fuel pressure on the government.
The government has acknowledged a need for a decarbonised heating solution other than heat pumps, which is a direct result of all the hard work we have collectively done to get renewable fuels on the map – now we need to go further, and we need your help.
Give your customers a voice and a choice
Right now, our aim is to help our customers and the rural communities in which they live have access to detailed and correct information, enabling them to make informed decisions and have a voice and a choice for how they heat their homes and businesses in the future.
The next stage of this campaign is to update customers and activate those who haven’t already to pressure their local MP, who in turn will pressurise the government.
How you can help
The more customers we give a leaflet to, the greater chance there is of success
Please send the new Future Ready Fuel campaign leaflet to your customers as soon as possible in whichever format and method suit your business.
Available are three versions of the same leaflet:
A4 single-sided PDF
Ideal for email activities, adding to your website and including with invoices.
A5 double-sided Print Artwork
For professional print – a version to distribute by hand or include with your customer communication.
A5 double-sided Artwork
For general use – ideal for digital print and digital communications.
Click the images below to download and use the Future Ready Fuel logo.
Click here to download the portrait version
Click here to download the landscape version
The campaign resources are also available in the Document Library in the Future Ready Fuel section of the UKiFDA website / members area – click here
Thank you for your support
Future Ready Fuel Campaign Update
This is the Future Ready Fuel campaign’s second leaflet distribution – we’ve had great success so far.
- 33,000+ participants have visited the Future Ready Fuel website. Visit the website here.
- 4,000+ people have signed up for the e-newsletter and are now regularly receiving information and updates.
- Industry-beating e-newsletter open rate – we have an actively engaged audience.
- 700+ letters have been sent to MPs, including Rishi Sunak, the Chancellor. These letters have been converted into many enquiries by local MPs to the Minister, resulting in a database of c.30 local rural MPs now taking an active interest. Many of these MPs are in the high oil-user regions of the country.
Response to the Heat and Buildings Strategy
The government’s heat pumps first approach is extremely costly, particularly for rural housing stock. At a time of very high cost of living, fuel volatility and geopolitical unrest let’s give our customers a more cost and climate effective solution, and fast!
Click here to read our response to the government’s proposal.
Our next step is to make HVO and other renewable fuels a key policy commitment and to secure your customers the same pricing mechanism HVO receives in other sectors.