Customer Service Award

Nominate your customer service star

The Worldpay sponsored Customer Service Award celebrates outstanding talent in customer service at a regional or national level. This award is dedicated to individuals who consistently go above and beyond for customers, transform customer service through innovative initiatives or technologies, and deliver exceptional support that resolves issues and leads to new business opportunities.


1. Check your nominee meets the CRITERIA.

2. Complete the details in SECTION 1.

3. Complete SECTION 2.

4. Please email the entry and any supporting evidence to before the closing date of 30th March 2025.


The entry must be completed by the employee’s manager/proposer.

Your nominee must:

  • Be employed by a UKIFDA member company.
  • Have worked at the company for at least a year.

Customer Service Award

Section 1

Proposer Details
Proposer Name(Required)
Nominee Details
Nominee Name(Required)

Section 2

Please use the space provided below or a separate document to describe why your nominee deserves this award in no more than 750 words.

Your nominee may, for example:

  • Ensure customers receive the guidance and answers needed.
  • Show empathy, responsiveness and resourcefulness when troubleshooting problems.
  • Have a positive attitude regarding overall ability, adaptability and communication.
  • Take ownership of problems and follow through to completion.
  • Transformed your customer services with a new initiative, system or technology.

The UKIFDA assessment team review all applications received and its decision is final.

Nominee Name(Required)
Please add your supporting evidence here, or if you prefer, you can upload a word document below.
Accepted file types: doc, docx, Max. file size: 75 MB.