UKIFDA EXPO 2024: Nominations are now open for the Customer Service 2024 Award

11th December 2023

Recognition for good customer service is to be celebrated

Liquid fuel distribution trade association and EXPO 2024 event organiser UKIFDA is calling for nominations for its Customer Service 2024 Award, which, for the second year, is sponsored by Worldpay.

Following the successful introduction of the award last year, the UKIFDA assessment team is looking for industry customer service superstars who consistently deliver outstanding service. Nominees for the Customer Service 2024 Award must work for a UKIFDA Member company anywhere in the UK and Ireland.

Urging businesses large and small to join in, UKIFDA CEO Ken Cronin said: “If your company has someone who is responsive and resourceful, tell us about them! Maybe they’re a particularly good communicator, are highly efficient or simply deserve some recognition for their proactivity – the award offers the chance to shout about your staff and your business simultaneously.”

Nominations must be submitted by 7 March 2024. Shortlists will be revealed in the New Year, and the award ceremony will form part of the UKIFDA Expo Dinner, sponsored by Mabanaft. This takes place on the evening of 10 April 2024 at the Liverpool Exhibition Centre and will round off the first day of the UKIFDA EXPO & Conference 2024.

Download the Customer Service 2024 Award entry form here.

To book tickets for the Expo Dinner, please email UKIFDA Membership and Events Manager Dawn Shakespeare at

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