UKIFDA Supporting Big Energy Saving Week By Sharing Advice On Cutting Fuel Bills

20th January 2020

Liquid fuels distribution trade association the UK and Ireland Fuel Distributors Association (UKIFDA), is supporting, Big Energy Saving Week, the national week-long campaign that launched today, 20th January 2020, by urging households warmed by heating oil to take positive steps to better manage their energy use and save money in the process.

Organised by Citizens Advice every year, the Big Energy Saving Week campaign raises awareness of the simple ways we can all increase our energy efficiency and reduce our energy costs.

UKIFDA has lots of advice for the 1.5m oil-fuelled households across the UK on steps they can take to use less fuel and save money as well as have a positive impact on the environment.

“A warm house is what everyone wants in the winter – and there are ways to achieve this that don’t hurt people’s bank balance or the planet,” says Guy Pulham, UKIFDA Chief Executive.

“This is why we are supporting Big Energy Saving Week as it is such a great opportunity to get people thinking about their energy consumption and find a way to be more energy efficient.

“The good news for customers using liquid fuels to heat their homes is the value for money this fuel type offers. The latest report from Sutherland Tables, a recognised independent source of comparative domestic heating prices, on 31st October 2019, highlighted that oil is still one of the cheapest forms of energy for off-grid homes compared to electricity and LPG and compared to 2018 heating oil prices, in the latter part of 2019 in most regions were down by between 2% and 8%.  Furthermore, customers are able to shop around to find the most competitive supplier of heating oil, and when it comes to improving the environmental impact the industry is working towards a biofuel to replace heating oil.

“Biofuels would enable customers to switch to a more environmentally friendly fuel with lower carbon emissions and without the need to change the heating system or a large upfront investment – for example, a modern condensing boiler would support a 30% blend of biofuel with kerosene and this boiler uses almost all the fuel for maximum efficiency.”

During this year’s Big Energy Saving Week, UKIFDA has advice and considerations for households wanting to stay warm this winter and save money:

  • Bleed your radiators to boost heating efficiency
  • Consider upgrading your thermostat to a modern one that enables you to set different temperatures in each room so you only heat the rooms you need, when you need them
  • Turn your thermostat down by 1 degree to make a 10% saving
  • Service your boiler annually, to ensure it works efficiently and help avoid costly breakdowns. To find your nearest OFTEC registered heating technician visit
  • Check your oil tank regularly for cracking, sag, discolouration and any unusual sign of wear and tear.
  • Upgrade your boiler if it is old (more than 15 years) to a condensing boiler. This can reduce your fuel consumption and carbon emissions by up to 20%, helping you make further savings both financially and environmentally
  • Ensure you order fuel from UKIFDA registered heating oil suppliers who all follow a code of practice by visiting
  • Check grants and benefits availability to make sure you’re getting the help you’re entitled to, such as the Winter Fuel Allowance

Guy adds: “The Big Energy Saving Week is a fantastic initiative that helps ensure households are doing all they can to maximise their energy efficiency – by taking steps to reduce usage and waste, saving both money on fuel bills and minimising their carbon emissions.

“UKIFDA has been a proud supporter of this nationwide campaign for several years now, and delight in helping people find ways to make fuel bill savings and to access the financial help available to them.”

For more information and advice, visit

UKIFDA SHOW 2025 Awards: Customer Service Award

20th January 2020

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